Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Maria Lopez, Scourge of Newsmen

Maria Lopez poses such a threat that she is no longer lumped into the Internet or the television, she is her own entity. Also, if the Daily Bugle is only being kept out of ruin by Peter Parker's pictures, then there is something dreadfully wrong with the way it's being run. I do like how Jameson counters Peter's claim of having the flu by saying that his newspaper is also ailing. That's kind of clever.


Tommy said...

Peter: "A great front page photo, eh?"

Mary Jane: "Don't even think about it..."

Peter: "Rats! Foiled again!"

Anonymous said...

If I were Peter, I'd just take a bunch of Spidey pictures ahead of time and keep them in a stash so I could just send a few in to JJJ whenever he got in one of his moods.

Paul Arrand Rodgers said...

The difference between the Bugle and Lopez's show is that the Bugle, thus far, has actually had Spiderman on they're not competeing. The Bugle followed up on their promise to readers, while Lopez IS STILL ON THE TV AFTER SIGNING OFF AND APOLOGIZING FOR HAVING NOTHING.

J Doe said...

What would the pictures be of Spider-Man doing and how would Peter get them? Spidey hasn't been seen for days.

Anonymous said...

I like how the TV is situated in the bedroom so that only Peter can see it. Or maybe they have a small one on the dresser for when he rolls over and can't see the main TV at the foot of the bed. What I'm trying to say is Spider-man watches TV like all the time.