Saturday, May 17, 2008

Amazingly Dull and Inane

I just have to say that I really don't like where this is going. I mean, it seems like it can't get any more dull or inane, but that's the amazing thing about this strip- it will always get more dull or inane.


  1. no, is absolutely gripping!

  2. Maybe this is how "Spider-Man" will ultimately end: slower and slower, duller and duller, less and less movement... for a month or two, Peter and MJ will do nothing but watch TV... then they'll just sit and stare... motionless... wordless... slow fade to black...

    Just like the Universe, "Spider-Man" is inexorably progressing toward a state of absolute entropy.

  3. Wilakers, this just came out of left field! Several jokes that could be made about that, but ehhh...not even going to go there.

  4. Hey, you're the one who wanted Peter to stay home instead of going out to fight the vulture. You got your wish, and now we're subjected to another two weeks of Peter and MJ having stupid conversations. THANKS A LOT.

  5. I was just hoping to avoid the seemingly inevitable "sick Spider-Man gets his head handed to him" scene, followed by the "Mary Jane chews Peter out for going out while he was sick" scene. I never wanted "Mary Jane comes home and cries" week.

  6. I personally was looking forward to spiderman getting his butt handed to him, personally. It would be hilarious.

  7. Dang it, MJ, GROW A SET!!

  8. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Have you seen that statuette of MJ finding Peter's costume in the laundry? She has an incredible set of... oh wait, that's not what you meant.

  9. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Hey the same exact thing happened in Spider-Man 3! I guess comic strip MJ can't sing either. :P
