Friday, April 11, 2008

Crime Finally Tries to Pay

On Sunday, we were pretty much told this was going to happen. That was the right decision, in a way, since we had no clue that we would learn the supposed truth about the Persuader. Also, there's really nothing for Simon to worry about. If he goes to prison (a man with that much money and a freaking cave should have some good lawyers), then it'll no doubt be one of those white collar prisons. There's no way they'd toss him in the super-criminal prison, or even the normal criminal prison. Besides, I think there's some legal loophole that says that attempted murder of a superhero is a low-level crime.

Also: I find it delightful that Mary Jane, who supposedly knows of her husband's spider-sense, feels the need to let him know that Simon might be pulling a gun. No doubt she's been reading this strip and knows how unreliable the spider-sense truly is.


  1. I would, of course, like to point out that it wasn't a sock stuffed in Krandis's mouth, so that word balloon is rather disappointing to me.

  2. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Especially since "stuff it" would have been more appropriate and funnier.

  3. Well, since my memory is about as long as my d... um... lets just say it's not very good in my old age...but what did Krandis do besides kidnap MJ again???

  4. Since he paid and told the Persuader to intimidate all those people and blow up all those trucks, he might be considered an accessory to that crime.

  5. Anonymous6:19 PM

    I realize they only have three frames to work with, but going straight from Krandis holding a wad of cash to Krandis with a mouthful of cash kind of visually implies that he stuffed it there himself.

  6. Maybe he thought the money was a sock, so he just abided by Spidey's demands?

    Which would mean that he thought he was going to bribe Spidey with a sock. And if that were the case, Krandis would be my favorite villain ever.
