Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Sham of a Marriage

Dara Dorset's pretend marriage to Spider-Man is not based on trust. Instead, it is probably based on the fact... well, that's just it. It's a lie, a sham, and other things synonymous with "false". I do feel rather sorry for Miss Dorset, mainly because it looks like we're going to spend a week watching a starlet get roughed up by a crime boss, and that's going to be painful to watch. Now, if Dara Dorset seemed like the type to fight back or something it'd be a bit more interesting and less painful, but I doubt that will happen. I am still holding out hope that Kurt Kordok is the Kingpin in disguise. This is probably not the case, however, considering how he's acting uncharacteristically cruel and spiteful in today's strip.

Today's Thing I Liked:
-That bowl of flowers in the second panel. I don't know why, but it caught my eye and kept it for the duration of the strip.

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